The ancient classical texts offer guidelines on how to use acupuncture for male and female infertility, but research in the UK and overseas has now produced evidence-based protocols on how to support the latest fertility interventions including IVF and ICSI.
During your acupuncture treatment, close attention is paid to all phases of the menstrual cycle. With infertility, symptoms such as PMT, mid-cycle pain, irregular or painful periods, are all important indicators of underlying imbalances. With men, problems with sperm count, concentration and motility each indicate subtle energetic imbalances.
During IVF, acupuncture is a safe treatment which research has shown to improve egg and embryo quality, regulate hormones and strengthen the immune system.
Acupuncture can also be safely used during pregnancy for such symptoms as nausea, the turning of breech babies and labour induction. Once baby is born, general immunity, post-natal depression and lactation difficulties are other common conditions presented in the treatment room.